Getting Over Your Fear


By Esthetique Dental

Our dentist in Keller TX, Dr. Patel, understands that it is common for people to be afraid of the dentist. Both adults and children are often scared, but it is important not to let your fear hold you back. Avoiding your twice-yearly dental appointment can have serious consequences for your teeth as well as your overall health! So what do you do if you just can’t get over your fear?

If you have a fear of the dentist, these are just a few tips from Dr. Patel.

1. Do Your Research: When looking to find a dentist, it is important to go to one you can trust. At Esthetique Dental, we strive to maintain a warm, welcoming and trusting environment for our patients. We want everyone whom enters our dental practice to trust us.

2. Find a Friend: Dentists shouldn’t just be someone who you can trust, they should also be someone you can talk to. At our family dentistry, we communicate with our patients throughout their visit. We update them every step of the way, and explain before doing. This has been known to help calm nervous patients.

3. Recommendation: Check out our testimonial page to see all the great reviews we’ve had. By knowing other patients with similar phobias have come to our facility and had a good experience, it might help ease your fear.

4. Bring a Friend: Bring a close friend or someone that you can trust to hold your hand along the way. Having someone next to you and watching over the entire procedure often gives patients a peace-of-mind.

5. Music: Bring a music player and headphones. This will help to distract you as well as block out all the noises from the dental machinery.

6. Communicate: Be sure to let Dr. Patel and our team know that you are nervous. By knowing this, we can proceed slowly and ensure that you are comfortable before moving on.

These are just some of the ways to get over fear of the dentist. If you’re finally ready to face your fears for a healthier and stronger smile, be sure to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Keller TX today!